WildFlower Yoga Collective
Move Your Body, Clear Your Mind
Welcome to WildFlower Yoga Collective, I'm so glad you're here. WildFlower Yoga is a friendly, supportive and empowering yoga studio based in City Beach and Trigg. We offer yoga classes to enhance and support your physical and mental wellbeing. Classes are for all levels of experience and are designed to connect the body, mind and breath to create calmness, relaxation, balance, strength and flexibility.
We also specialise in hosting wellness retreats in stunning locations in Western Australia.
The body needs movement, the mind needs stillness and the heart needs you to listen. Vinyasa Yoga provides opportunities for all that, and more. During classes we explore all elements of Vinyasa including dynamic movement, breath, balance, deep stretches, mindfulness, and meditation, accompanied with a soothing playlist.
New to yoga? No problem, we'd love to introduce you to the joys of the practice! Mats, blocks and straps are provided... all you need to bring is yourself. You are also welcome to bring along your own mat if you have one that you'd prefer to use.
Weekly class times are currently:
Monday: 9.30am, Vinyasa at Surfing WA, Trigg
Tuesday: 6.15pm, Slow Flow at Bold Park
Wednesday: 9.30am, Vinyasa at Surfing WA, Trigg
Saturday: 8am, Vinyasa at Bold Park
Studio Locations:
City Beach, Bold Park Aquatic
Address: 215 The Boulevard, City Beach, Perth
Trigg, Surfing WA
Address: 368 West Coast Drive, Trigg, Perth
We love both of these locations because they have great views, free parking, air conditioning, good vibes and onsite cafes.
Have a question? We'd love to hear from you:
Phone: 0420 514 941
Email: hello@wildfloweryogacollective.com.au

Wildflowers adapt and bloom wherever they want... resilient, beautiful and free.